Saturday, July 31, 2010

I dont forget when I came in Canada last year. First day I was in Stanley park I like so mach. Then I everey day walkwd ther. Next I like oshen and nice viwe.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Last friday!!!

Last Friday I had a dinner in a Mexican Restaurant the name was "DONA CATA". I had a tender cactus salad (have you ever try) in spanish is NOPALES, also I had a lamb tacos. The thin that I liked more was the awesome people that I shared my dinner. Thanks a lot!!!! Also I enjoyed with the traditional live music that they had.

Monday, July 19, 2010

On sunday I went to Bowen Island!!!

I took the bus to Horshoe Bay and them I took the ferry to Bowen Island. I made a hiking to Crippen Park and Killarny Lake. I walked for 40 minutes. I had a picnic there. After that I went to Bowen Island downtown I had a ice cream and them I came back.

This was so good!!

On Saturday I went out with my cousin and my friend and my girlfriend. We went to Mona's Restaurant on Downtown Vancouver. We danced Arabic music. I could't drink because I have to drive. However I had fun. After the restaurant we went to Granville st. We saw many people so drunk. Also I saw a spectacle how to dance!!! At 3:00 am.

Granville Island

For me was the second time that I went to Granville Island but this time I liked more because I took a beer from there. I ate very helthy food. The only bad everything is so expensive but It's ok. It's good quality. I enjoyed a lot with my classmates.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

My hobby

My hobby is travel. I hope discover every secret in the world. For this reason I want to learn English very well.I Have plan to go some countries but after 3 or 4 years. Also I like play tennis and swim. In addition, I like meet people from everywhere.

On Friday I went downtown with my friends. We were at Granville street. We drank beer there and dance. I enjoyed a lot. I arrived at my home 2.00am.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Last friday!!

The last friday, I had a dinner in my place with my cousins and some friends. We made Katsa (the dish is rice and chicken with tomato). We drunk vocka, malibu and tequila. For long time, I didn't enjoy like that.

Canada day!!!

On Canada day, I woke late at 9:00 o'clock. I went to the gym but on the street I saw some celebration at Queen Park on NW. On dollar store I buy Canada hat and stickers about Canada. At 6:00 o'clock, I went to downtown. I got off on Waterfront station. On Canada Place was many activities to see. I ate corn and the leg of turkey. I drunk coffee from Starbucks. I saw Ibrahim and we did some activities from the passport. At 10:30, I saw the fireworks with my friends. I really enjoy the second Canada day in Vancouver.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


For long time I didn't have time to see my friends but today I wake up I said I wan to do it. So, at the afternoon I went to Lougheed station because my cousin and my friend Alejandra, live closed to this station. We had a dinner in the Terrace and them I had a tea with my cousin. I was so happy with them. I forget the time, when see my clock ....was 11:00 pm. OMG!!!!

Monday, June 28, 2010

What I did last friday!!!

On friday I went to Foam Party at Redroom nighclub. It was fun. Also I walked at Gastown. In addition I had dinner in the Iranian place. I ate falafel and shawarma.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Iraqi food

the shisha imagine at
the cake imagine at

My family cook a very delicious cake for celebrate birthdays or new year. Also we had a tradition to have a luch together at 1:30 for 25 years. We eat in the same table 7 or 8 persons. After the meal, I make Iraqi tea and shisha.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

A memorable sports moment

I was play soccer with my team 1986 but I'm bad goalie. After I ask my team play the said no you are very bad goalie. After I never played soccer.
Picture from: